Sgt. Fury #4 is based on the real-life story of Lord Haw-Haw (which Dion knew all about and Brian didn’t—laugh at Brian’s ignorance, laugh we tell you!), but of course turned into a fightin’ action epic in the mighty Marvel style! The Howling Commandos head for the heart of Nazi Germany, into Berlin itself, on a mission to extract the British traitor known as “Lord Ha-Ha,” but the traitor’s true identity makes this mission a little more personal for one Sgt. Nicholas Fury. Add in the momentous loss of a Howling Commando, and you’ve got another classic comic! Brian and Dion break the whole action-packed shebang down for you in this all-new episode of Wah-Hoo!
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Episode 3: Sgt. Fury #3 “Midnight on Massacre Mountain”
An American division is trapped behind enemy lines, so Fury and the Commandos have to fight their way through the Nazi-occupied Italian countryside to rescue them! Throw in a drunken pub brawl in Shakespeare’s hometown, a soon-to-be-familiar guest star, and a troop of war correspondents who may be more trouble than they’re worth, and and you’ve got another jam-packed issue of Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos. Brian and Dion are back to break down the action and the history, so sit back and take in “Massacre on Midnight Mountain”! Or is it “Mountain of Midnight Massacre”? No, wait, give us a moment, we’ve got this…
Episode 2: Sgt. Fury #2 “Seven Doomed Men!”
You couldn’t possibly get more “World War II” than Sgt. Fury‘s second issue! The Nazis are pursuing atomic weapons, and to stop them Sgt. Fury and the Howling Commandos have to get themselves thrown into a concentration camp! Yup, another day, another suicide mission for the Howlers, and Brian and Dion have all the action and historical details covered, so grab this new episode on the double, soldier!